file_manager Module

This module makes a batch call to QAQC methods devolped to process csv files created by HOBO sensors at meteorological sites on the HJ Andrews experimental forest. It also preforms other file storage and management functions. For a specified directory, it processes all files and creates a directory of new, processed csv files.

QAQC methods are imported from hobo_qaqc.HOBOdata.reformat_HOBO_csv().

When module is called FileHandling.manage() is executed.

This module is designed to minimize any read/write times by copying all files locally, preforming all processes, and then transferring files to final directories. This is ideal with external or network drives, but if all directories are local, it will create source and final directories with duplicate file names.

class file_manager.FileHandling[source]

Processes all files in assigned directory for timezone, units, and timestep sync, and converts values where necessary. Contains methods for archiving using .zip, wiping directories after processing, and adding to .//metdat directory structure.


possible change from sys.platform to to decrease package dependencies

possible change from shutil.rmtrees to os.remove os.rmdir

copy_to_final_dir(file_list, subdir, loc)[source]

Call OS specific system command to copy from temporary working directory to final storage. Selects files by site using wildcard selection.

  • file_list – List of str to select files from. Example: [‘RS12’,’RS04’] copies files ‘RS12*’ and ‘RS04*’
  • subdir – str. Destination subdirectory within final storage directory. Files are moved to here.
  • loc – str. Directory where files are currently located.

List of strings of each filename copped to the final directory


Copies source files to local working directory using OS specifc DOS, bash, or shell command. Results are output to log file.


Wipe all files from the src_dir, defined in file_path.config as dir_source_files. All files and sub- folders in this directory will be wiped.

If source directory and final directory are the same, this process will abort.


This uses destructive methods which will erase any and all contents of the target directory and any sub- directories within.


Returns:List of strings of each filename wiped from the source directory

This is to wipe temporary processing folders in the working directory. The convention maintained by this module is that all temp folders have the “_” prefix

If any files are still in _processed, and have not been copied to a final storage directory, deletion of this directory will be aborted.


This uses destructive methods which will erase any and all contents of the target directory and any sub- directories within.



Identify files in source directory. Create list of .hobo, .csv, .log files, and any other file type encountered.

Identify site as any prefix to the left of “_” in filename and generate a list of unique sites.


Execute file managment.

  1. Copy files to working directory (_data).
  2. Create list of .csv, .hobo, and .logs files in working directory.
  3. Attempt to preform QAQC on all .csv files and transfer to _processed.
  4. Create a .zip file for all .hobo files from each site. Disabled per bitbucket issue #10 .
  5. Copy all files with .csv, .log, and unknown extension to final storage.
  6. Delete temporary folders in working directory.
  7. Wipe original source directory. This directory contains files where QAQC was not preformed. Disabled per bitbucket issue #10 .
  8. Write log file.

Attempt to QAQC all csv files for timezone, timestep sync, and units.

For list of .csv files generated by index_files(), call hobo_qaqc.HOBOdata.reformat_HOBO_csv().

Returns:list. strings of filenames processed with \n at end.
Returns:int. number of csv files
Returns:int. number of files processed

Create header for log file. Assigns first items to list self.logs.


Write log to file. <final storage directory>//logs//hobo_qaqc_<date>.log.

Log is a list of strings until this function is called.


Collect all files with .hobo extension and write to a zip file in the temp directory _processed.

Naming convetion is <site>_<today’s date>.zip, where site is any filename prefix to the left of “_”.

For list of .hobo files generated by index_files()

Returns:List of strings of each filename and it’s zipped filename with a \n at the end
Returns:int. Count of hobo files
Returns:int. Count of zipped files