Source code for hobo_qaqc

# coding=utf-8
from re import findall
import pandas as pd
import pytz

# date: 7/06/16
# created by: Greg Cohn
__authors__ = 'Greg Cohn'
__version__ = '0.1'

def _get_header_line(header, lineno):
        Private function. Breaks header line into individual comma delimited parts and strips white space, and double
        quotation marks.

        :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string.
        :param lineno: int. Index of line number to be parsed
        :return: list of header components from lineno.
        line = [s.strip('"') for s in header[lineno].strip().split('","')]
        return line

[docs]class HOBOdata: """ Load and process data from HOBO_ loggers produced by the ONSET company. Handles csv files exported from the HoboWare program. The native format for HOBO loggers is a .hobo file. This proprietary binary file is not handled here and must be converted to a csv. This class syncs timesteps, checks time zones, and units, and converts where needed. .. _HOBO : """ def __init__(self): """ """ self.header = [] = pd.DataFrame() self.filename = '' self.col = []
[docs] def read_csv_header(self, file_name): """ Read the header lines from the beginning of a file. Reads n_lines, and stores them as headers object. :param file_name: str. File path of file to be read. """ self.filename = file_name n_lines = self.get_header_nlines(file_name) if n_lines >0: with open(file_name) as f: header = [ for l in range(0, n_lines)] elif n_lines == 0: raise ValueError('This file does not have a header that matches a recognized HOBOWARE format\ \nheader n_lines == 0') self.header = header
[docs] def get_header_nlines(self, file_name): """ Estimate how many header lines exist in a file :param file_name: :return: int that is index of last header line .. Warning:: This is a simplistic filter that searches for the first row where there are no quotes and returns line_num - 1 on a 1 based index. Complex files with quotes around data fields, or no quotes in header lines will not be caught. **Example:** 'Plot Title: RS12' '#','Date Time, GMT-07:00','Temp, °C','Intensity, lum/ft²','Coupler Attached','Stopped','End Of File' 1,11/17/2014 11:10:00 AM,3.472,16.0,,, returns 2 """ i = 0 f = open(file_name) while True: l ='"') if l is 0: break else: i += 1 f.close() return i
[docs] def get_csv_sn(self, header, lineno=-1): """ :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string. :param lineno: keyword argument. index of header array. Function operates on specified index. Default -1 :return: str containing serial number """ return findall("LGR S/N[^)]*", header[lineno])[0].split(':')[-1]
[docs] def get_csv_GMT_offset(self, header, lineno=-1): """ Get timezone as an offset from Greenwhich Mean Time from the header file :param lineno: keyword argument. index of header array. Function operates on specified index. Default -1 :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string. :return: string of timezone offset from GMT **Example:** String for PST '-08:00' """ gmt = findall('GMT[^"]*', header[lineno])[0].split(':') hr = float(gmt[0][3:]) hr_frac = float(gmt[-1]) hr += hr_frac return hr
[docs] def get_csv_temp_unit(self, header, lineno=-1): """ Get unit for temperature records :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string. :param lineno: keyword argument. index of header array. Function operates on specified index. Default -1 :return: str with single letter defining units for temperature. """ deg = findall('\xb0[^ ",]*', header[lineno]) return deg[-1]
[docs] def get_csv_intensity_unit(self, header, lineno=-1): """ Get unit for sunlight intensity :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string :param lineno: keyword argument. index of header array. Function operates on specified index. Default -1 :return: str defining units for sunlight intensity """ intensity = findall('(?i)(Lux|lum/ft\xc2\xb2)', header[lineno]) return intensity
[docs] def get_csv_col(self, header, lineno=-1): """ Extract column names from csv format :param header: array of header lines where each line is a single string. :param lineno: keyword argument. index of header array. Function operates on specified index. Default -1 :return: array of column names. """ col = _get_header_line(header, lineno) col_edit = [] for c in col: col_edit.append(c.split(',')[0]) return col_edit
[docs] def get_timestamp_col(self, col): """ Time stamps can be exported by HOBO into either 1 or 2 columns :param col: an array of column names :return: list of index locations :return: list of column name(s) that make the timestamp """ i = 0 timestamp_i = [] timestamp_n = [] for c in col: if 'Date' in c or 'Time' in c: timestamp_i.append(i) timestamp_n.append(c) i += 1 if timestamp_i.__len__() > 1: timestamp_col = timestamp_n[0] + '_' + timestamp_n[1] timestamp_i = [timestamp_i] else: timestamp_col = timestamp_n[0] return timestamp_i, timestamp_col
[docs] def load_csv_data(self, fname): """ Load csv file output by HOBO pendants into a Pandas DataFrame. :param fname: str. Filepath of csv data file """ self.read_csv_header(fname) skip_nrows = self.header.__len__() col = self.get_csv_col(self.header) date_col_i, date_col_n = self.get_timestamp_col(col) = pd.read_csv(fname, parse_dates=date_col_i, skiprows=skip_nrows, names=col, index_col=date_col_n) self.col = col
[docs] def export_to_GCE_csv(self, csvname): """ Export the HOBO data to a GCE_ friendly csv file :param csvname: str. Filepath to output csv file .. _GCE : """ col = self.col ''' export column is important for oddball HOBO settings that split timestamps btwn columns and add erroneous columns such as: .. Example:: '#', 'Date', 'Time', 'Temp', 'Intensity', 'Coupler Attached (LGR S/N: 10335619)', 'Stopped (LGR S/N: 10335619)', 'End Of File (LGR S/N: 10335619)' ''' export_col = ['Date'] export_col.append('Temp') if 'Temp' in col else None export_col.append('Intensity') if 'Intensity' in col else None data = df = data.dropna(subset=export_col[1:]) data = None df['Date'] = df.index df.set_index(keys='#', drop=True, inplace=True) df.index.rename('RecNum', inplace=True) t_exp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') prog = __name__ prog_v = __version__ fname = self.filename gmt_orig = self.get_csv_GMT_offset(self.header) f = open(csvname, 'w') header_str = '%s processed on %s UTC by %s v%s. Orig. record GMT %.0f. Output file %s\n'%(fname, t_exp, prog, prog_v, gmt_orig, csvname) f.write(header_str) f.close() df.to_csv(csvname, columns=export_col, mode='a', date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
[docs] def set_data_GMT_offset(self, hr_offset): """ Define time zone of DataFrame timestamps in offset from UTC/GMT :param hr_offset: floating point of time zone in hours difference from Greenwhich Mean Time """ ts = min_offset = hr_offset * 60 gmt_offset = pytz.FixedOffset(min_offset) if is None: = ts.tz_localize(gmt_offset) else: = ts.tz_convert(gmt_offset)
[docs] def is_timezone_correct(self, tz): """ Check the timezone in which data was recorded against the expected timezone :param tz: a timezone as number of hours offset from Greenwhich Mean Time :return: Boolean """ #ts_str = str(tz) gmt = self.get_csv_GMT_offset(self.header) return True if tz == gmt else False
[docs] def format_timezone(self, tz=-8): """ Check that timezone is correct, and if not, adjust the time zone. :param tz: a timezone as number of hours offset from Greenwhich Mean Time """ gmt_num = self.get_csv_GMT_offset(self.header) self.set_data_GMT_offset(gmt_num) if not self.is_timezone_correct(tz): self.set_data_GMT_offset(tz)
[docs] def format_sync_timestep(self, n_min='5min'): """ Sync timestamps to a defined measurement interval. Timestamps are increased to the next defined interval. :param n_min: str. keyword argument. Interval to round time stamps to. Default '5min'. .. Note:: This uses the function ceil to round up to the next interval. The interval provided must match a known type and contain both a number and a letter such as '1D' to round up to the next whole day. See documentation for valid types [#]_ .. Warning:: This will change the index and timestamp of every record. .. [#] : """ df = sync = df.ceil(n_min) = sync
[docs] def is_temp_celsius(self): """ Read units definition from header and return true if units are celsius :return: Boolean. True if temperature is recorded in celsius. """ units = self.get_csv_temp_unit(self.header) return 'C' == units[-1]
[docs] def temp_F_to_C(self, temp): """ Convert temperature records from Fahrenheit :param temp: a temperature value or list of temperature values in degrees fahrenheit. :return: a temperature value or list of temperature values in degrees celsius """ return (temp-32)*5./9.
[docs] def format_temp(self, col='Temp', unit='C'): """ Format temperature records to desired units :param col: keyword argurment. str. Name of column containing temperature data. Defaults to 'Temp' :param unit: keyword argument. str defining desired unit. Default is 'C' """ df = if unit == 'C': df[col] = self.temp_F_to_C(df[col]) if not self.is_temp_celsius() else df[col] = df
[docs] def is_intensity_lux(self): """ Read units definition from header and return True if units are Lux :return: Boolean. True if light intensity is recorded in Lux """ units = self.get_csv_intensity_unit(self.header) return 'lux' == units[0].lower()
[docs] def intensity_lumft2_to_lux(self, intensity): """ Convert light intensity records from lumen ft-2 into Lux :param intensity: an intensity value or list of intensity values in lumen ft-2 :return: an intensity or list of intensity values in Lux """ return intensity*10.76391
[docs] def format_intensity(self, col='Intensity', unit='Lux'): """ Format light intensity records in desired units :param col: keyword argument. str. Name of column containing light intensity data. Defaults to 'Intensity'. :param unit: keyword argument. str defining desired units. Default is 'Lux' (SI) """ df = if unit.lower() == 'lux': df[col] = self.intensity_lumft2_to_lux(df[col]) if not self.is_intensity_lux() else df[col] = df
[docs] def format_QAQC_data(self, units='SI', tz=-8, tstep='5min'): """ Reformat the data using basic QAQC for SI or US units and time zone consistency regardless of daylight savings. :param units: str. keyword argument. The desired system of units. Default is 'SI'. :param tz: flt. keyword argument. The desired time zone as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time. Default is -8 (PST) :param tstep: keyword argument. Interval to round time stamps to. Default '5min'. .. Note:: tstep is input to the function :meth:`HOBOdata.format_sync_timestep()`. Valid types are listed there. """ col = self.col if units.upper() == 'SI': self.format_temp(col='Temp', unit='C') if 'Temp' in col else None self.format_intensity(col='Intensity', unit='Lux') if 'Intensity' in col else None self.format_timezone(tz) # sync time to correct time intervals self.format_sync_timestep(tstep)
[docs] def reformat_HOBO_csv(self, infname, outfname=None, units='SI', tz=-8, tstep='5min'): """ Imports a csv file output by HoboWare software and checks for: * units * timezone * time sync (09:07 vs 09:05) File is converted to specified settings and exported to a GCE_ friendly format. :param infname: str. Filename to read :param outfname: str. Filename to ouput. Defaults to same as infname :param units: str. System of units desired. Defaults to SI :param tz: int or flt. Timezone as offset from GMT :param tstep: str. Time interval to sync to. Default is '5min'. See :meth:`HOBOdata.format_sync_timestep()` or [#]_ for valid formats. .. _GCE : .. [#] : """ self.load_csv_data(infname) self.format_QAQC_data(units=units, tz=tz, tstep=tstep) if outfname is None: csvname = infname.replace('.csv', '_reformat.csv') else: csvname = outfname self.export_to_GCE_csv(csvname)
if __name__ == "__main__": # TEST HOBO LOAD test = HOBOdata() test.load_csv_data('E:\workspace\sensors\\verify\hobo_tests\\557_2013_150.csv') x = HOBOdata() x.load_csv_data('E:\workspace\sensors/verify\hobo_tests\RS12_2015_180_1___test.csv') x.format_timezone(-8) x.format_temp() x.export_to_GCE_csv('E:\workspace\sensors/verify\hobo_tests\New_outtest.csv')